Yow Dancer ~
Megaxus bekerjasama dengan Sahabat LVLM akan mengadakan acara seru loh. Ayo ikutan~
AyoDance @ Summer Party with TheJoyful
Sabtu, 5 Agustus 2023
Team Battle 2 vs 2 Random Mix Tournament
🔍 Detail :
🎖️ AyoDance @ Summer Party with TheJoyful by vyBULLHEADTj- & TjunxVL-RcF
📅 Tanggal Event : Sabtu, 5 Agustus 2023 Pukul 19.00 WIB
📒 Tanggal Pendaftaran : Rabu, 2 Agustus 2023 Pukul 20.00 - Full Slot
💵 Biaya Pendaftaran : FREE
🏆 Mode Pertandingan : Team Battle 2 vs 2 Random Mix Tournament
🏅 Jumlah Peserta : 30 Peserta Open (Umum) & 30 Peserta TheJoyful
👗 Dresscode : Beach Outfit
☎️ Link Pendaftaran : https://tinyurl.com/SummerPartyTheJoyful
👬 Technical Meeting : Jumat, 4 Agustus 2023 (LINE Group)
🎥 Link Live Streaming: https://www.facebook.com/Mag1cWorlds
• Keputusan panitia bersifat mutlak
• Syarat dan ketentuan dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.
🎁 Rewards
Juara 1Rp 1.200.000 + E-Certificate + King's Crown/Tiara 30 Hari + Mark Trophy 7 hari + 1 Discount Coupon 10%
Juara 2
Rp 900.000 + E-Certificate + King's Crown/Tiara 30 Hari + Mark Trophy 7 hari + 1 Discount Coupon 10%
Juara 3
Rp 600.000 + E-Certificate + King's Crown/Tiara 30 Hari + Mark Trophy 7 hari + 1 Discount Coupon 10%
Juara 4
Rp 300.000 + E-Certificate + King's Crown/Tiara 30 Hari + Mark Trophy 7 hari + 1 Discount Coupon 10%

Organized by : Sahabat LVLM
Supported by : Megaxus
Supported by : Megaxus